Friday, July 5, 2013


June was another busy month with lots of action.

We got pretty good at using a spoon
 most of the time.  
We went swimming with Daddy
 and with Momma and some friends.
Raelynn was sick with for almost 2 weeks. 
We made sure Daddy had a happy Father's Day.
We learned that Momma's panties needed even tighter security!
We spent some time with Uncle Jay.
Raelynn made new toys when her old ones weren't so fun.
Raelynn developed a crush on Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Daddy tried his hand at a girly hairdo. 
 We played at the park with some friends.
 Raelynn got a fun new shopping cart to push her babies around in.


May was a pretty busy month. 

We celebrated Mother's Day,

Finally got enough hair for pigtails, 
fed the ducks with Granna and Pa,

Read lots of books,
 Took lots of crazy naps,
 Found new cabinets to explore,
 Built a fort in the living room,
 Played with our water table,
 Drank a lot of water,
 Cooked out with Daddy,
 Bought Daddy a motorcycle,
 discovered Mom's underwear is vulnerable when left unguarded,
 And celebrated a friend's birthday.
Those events were in no particular order.  On Memorial Day Raelynn decided that she was done crawling and walked all over the Urbina's house.  We were so excited.  We came home and she refused to walk on our hard floors for a few more days before deciding it was worth the risk of falling. 


I'm a terrible blogger.  I just can't seem to remember to post on Facebook, save pictures to Shutterfly, and work on our family photo album as well as blog.  I really am trying to do it all. 

Here's what we were up to in April:

Raelynn loves to help "clean out" cabinets!

Napping can be tough!
Feeding the ducks with Daddy.

Put a sock in it Mom!
Crazy driver!

Monday, April 29, 2013

March Catch Up

Goodness, I can't believe that I've let this get away from me again.  So much has happened since I posted way back in February.

Raelynn turned one on March 2nd!  The weather was iffy, so we moved her party from the park to our house.  We had a great turnout and really enjoyed all of our friends celebrating with us.

A couple of weeks later we visited Mimi and Doc.  Raelynn got to pet the horses and took a ride on the tractor with Doc.  Tommy and his family were there too.  

 We had a great Easter at home.  Raelynn met the Easter bunny and wore an outfit that I made for her to church on Sunday.  She also got to hunt Easter eggs with all the kids from our Sunday school class.  She loved opening up the eggs.

We also took our first family vacation in March.  Matthew took a few days off and we went to Port Aransas.  We visited the Texas State Aquarium, the USS Lexington and the beach.  Raelynn did not like the beach at all.  She wouldn't let us put her down, even on a towel, and whimpered the whole time.  So, we didn't stay at the beach very long.    Raelynn was also terrified of the dolphins.